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Auto-Mobile Lifts

  • Automobile are idael for auto-mobile show rooms, workshops, multi- level parking, rooftop parking and basement home garages.

  • Equipped with six symmetric guide rails to counter the wobbling caused by unbalanced load.

  • To ensure a safe entry and exit, the door are equipped with reliable optical screen protection or infrared electronic protection.

  • Energy economical VVVF control system.

  • PLC Based 24 volt control system.

  • Geared Traction system.

  • Available both in stainless steel and painted steel cabins.

  • Speed : 0.5 m/s and above.

  • Load Capacity: 2000kg to 5000kg.

  • Dual-side opening option.

  • Automatic sliding doors or collapsible scissor gate.

  • Chekered steel flooring.

  • Control Panel Accessible from the driving seat.


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